Looking for a CO.STARTERS program?
Explore our member map using the controls below to find a CO.STARTERS provider near you.
Our program providers can be found anywhere entrepreneurs need community, and communities need entrepreneurs.
Main Streets
Cities, towns, and rural areas working to revitalize local economies through small business growth and placemaking
Entrepreneur Hubs
Incubators and accelerators, local and regional networks, federal groups and agencies—places where founders seek mentoring and coaching
Creative Enterprises
Artist collectives, food incubators, maker spaces—wherever creative starters need practical skills to help make their passions sustainable
Local Libraries
Innovative neighborhood resource centers looking to help people find the tools and community they need to take the next step with their ideas
Coworking Spaces
Community work spaces wanting to provide support for their members to launch and grow successful ventures
Education Centers
From high schools, community colleges, and universities, to vocational, veterans, and reentry programs—where curriculum meets community
…it is the power of this growing global community that is a wonderful strength and we want to be part of that!
CO.STARTERS is helping immensely in building the community of entrepreneurs in Erie. The relationships that come out of this experience for each participant are very valuable, from their peers in the cohort to the service providers and the subject matter experts that share with them each week.
Bringing CO.STARTERS to La Crosse has brought new energy and excitement to the startup ecosystem in our community and it has allowed a bunch of entrepreneurs to gain access to cutting-edge effective material in a universally understandable format.
I could not have imagined a more beneficial and seamless fit with our mission of creative industries support than the CO.STARTERS curriculum. It feels tailor-made for our constituents.
CO.STARTERS brings, not only a practical, lean startup curriculum, in plain English, but a true community development vehicle that brings together the whole community…to help aspiring entrepreneurs validate their ideas and get started.
CO.STARTERS has given us a platform for entrepreneurs to connect with one another, building community pride and resources for sustained growth.
We are inspired every day by the stories of the entrepreneurs supported by CO.STARTERS members.
Village Launch Builds Resilience Among Under-Resourced Entrepreneurs
As the City of Greenville, South Carolina experiences unprecedented growth, Village Launch ensures its more vulnerable populations aren't left behind. The city of Greenville is changing. The South Carolina [...]
Reaching Memphis’ Entrepreneurs: Epicenter Ensures Access for All
For many entrepreneurship hubs and economic development organizations, it can be surprisingly challenging to connect with the people they’re trying to help. Epicenter Memphis faced this very problem—and their solution might surprise you. [...]