Our foundational offering is a cohort-based program designed for 10–12 weeks that equips entrepreneurs of all kinds with the insights, relationships, and tools needed to turn ideas into action.
Learn more about how to bring the CO.STARTERS Core program to your community.
Trusted by more than 12,000 starters.
Collaborative Cohort
Groups of 10–16 entrepreneurs meet together for nine weeks, meeting one evening a week for three hours, led by a CO.STARTERS-trained facilitator.
Facilitated, not Taught
CO.STARTERS facilitators are experienced business owners from the community who guide participants through the program by asking the right questions, drawing on the knowledge in the room, and using available resources and connections in the community to point starters in the right direction.
Local Context
In addition to exploring different topics each session, guest speakers are also brought in weekly to enrich the conversation and help participants learn from the experience of others in the community.
What’s Covered
During the CO.STARTERS program, participants develop and fine-tune their ideas, critically examining every part and determining next steps through real-time feedback from people in the community. Over a series of sessions, we’ll cover the following topics.
Session 1: Knowing Yourself
- Introduction
- Assumptions
- Working Styles
- Team Building
- Obstacles
Session 2: Knowing Your Customer
- Customer
- Problem
- Alternatives
- Idea Testing
Session 3: Finding the Right Solution
- Solution
- Benefit
- Advantage
- Starting Small
- Brand Identity
Session 4: Getting the Relationship Right
- Marketing & Message
- Getting, Keeping & Growing Customers
Session 5: Building Blockw
- Distribution
- Revenue
- Typical Offering
- Price
Session 6: Structures & Systems
- Legal & Accounting Considerations
Session 7: Discovering the Bottom Line
- Startup & Ongoing Needs
- Fixed & Variable Costs
- Break-Even Point
Session 8: Financial Modeling
- Break-Even Point
- Sales Projections
- Cash Flow
- Raising Capital
Session 9: Planning for Growth
- Growth Plans
- Goal Setting
- Celebration Prep
Session 10: Celebration!
- A deeper understanding of how to create a sustainable business, i.e. a process for figuring out whether or not an idea is good and how to change it to make it work.
The ability to articulate how their businesses work.
- The next steps needed to move forward.
- A community of peers, mentors, business services, and a national network of support.
In 2018, after completing our CO.STARTERS business training program,
starters reported that:
said CO.STARTERS helped them decide what to do next with their venture.
would recommend CO.STARTERS to someone looking to start or grow a venture
said they feel connected & supported by their local community in launching a venture
Our CO.STARTERS foundational program comes in additional versions to provide the very best fit for your community.
CO.STARTERS for Causes™
An iteration of our core program especially designed for people launching social initiatives.
An iteration of our core program translated for Spanish speakers.
How the CO.STARTERS Core Program Helps Your Community
Creates accessible pathways for a wide range of entrepreneurs
Engages the local community and rallies ecosystem building supporters and partners
Provides a sustainable, turnkey program offering with measurable results
Increases long-term entrepreneur success, resulting in sustained economic impact
CO.STARTERS has elevated the conversation around entrepreneurship to levels we haven’t seen before. Conversations around entrepreneurship are happening all over the Latino community, more often and more diverse (different kind of businesses).