CO.STARTERS has become the Title Sponsor of Ecosystem Builder Hub, a new online clearinghouse for stories, articles, interviews, and more content about startup and entrepreneurial ecosystem building.
“We are proud and pleased to have CO.STARTERS as the first sponsor of Ecosystem Builder Hub,” said Jeff Bennett, who co-founded the site with fellow ecosystem builders Avary Kent and Tyler LeCompte. “CO.STARTERS is one of the key players in ecosystem building. It’s great to have such a leader in the ecosystem building space show support for Ecosystem Builder Hub and for telling the stories of ecosystem builders.”
Jeff Bennett
Avary Kent
Tyler LeCompte
Bennett is an entrepreneur, working as a writer and digital media creator, cofounder of StartupSac, a California nonprofit working to accelerate the startup and innovation ecosystem in the greater Sacramento region, and a contributor to Intersections, a Medium publication about ecosystem building published by CO.STARTERS.
According to Bennett, Ecosystem Builder Hub is the realization of an idea that began to take shape at the 2018 ESHIP Summit held by the Kauffman Foundation and developed further through a series of conference calls during Fall 2018 and Winter 2019. He emphasizes that the current site is a work in progress, which he expects to evolve over time.
“I hope it becomes a valuable resource for ecosystem builders everywhere to find stories of their peers, learn about best practices, and connect with other like-minded ecosystem builders,” said Bennett. “We encourage involvement from other ecosystem builders.”
Jeff invites anyone with a request for a published article to be shared, a topic to be covered, or any other input to get it touch using the contact form on the site.